Anime dynamic wallpaper
Anime dynamic wallpaper

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: This project is built just for fun and for experimenting the possible applications of Core ML. I make a lot of other apps and have projects. You can click on the cell (image name) to switch its status (day/ night) Why make this app?

anime dynamic wallpaper

This view shows the result of the ML Vision recognition through a TableView. After a path is chosen, it will proform a ML Vision request for the images, and show a progress bar. Presents the user basic interface and file selector to allow users to choose a path. It's trained with a limited set of features in the anime wallpaper, like the sky, the cloud, and nearby environment to help the machine differentiate between daytime and night.

anime dynamic wallpaper

What does the Machine Learning Module recognize?

  • When running: Select a folder that contains only the images (with no sub-directories) -> Wait for ML to recognize -> Correct the wrong recognitions by clicking on the image name -> And, Minimize the program (do not close the window).
  • You can compile and run the sources directly.
  • Simply drag your favorite anime wallpapers, and the machine learning module will automatically recognize the daylight condition (whether day or night) of the image, and change your wallpaper accordingly at different times of a day.
  • App icon made by Roundicons from and is licensed by CC 3.This is a demo of Core ML 🤖.
  • Microsoft Store app uses the Windows location API if permission is granted.
  • LocationIQ API is used when your enter your location, to convert it to latitude and longitude.
  • anime dynamic wallpaper

    Wallpaper images are not owned by me, they belong to Apple.Can't show separate images on multiple virtual desktops.Wallpaper fit not remembered in Microsoft Store app.NET Framework is too old, you can install a newer one from here.

    anime dynamic wallpaper

    WinDynamicDesktop is developed primarily for Windows 10, but should run on any version of Windows with. Pick any of the themes bundled with macOS, or many more themes available for download hereĬhoose a schedule for cycling through wallpaper images over 24 hours Available on GitHub and the Microsoft Store. Port of macOS Mojave Dynamic Desktop feature to Windows 10.

    Anime dynamic wallpaper